System description

The system is designed for the use in production facilities with high cleanness requirements
and serves primarily for the control and supervision of particle counting systems.
The complexity and the flexible usage grant a high standard of control and supervision
possibilities, serving the user to fulfill the requirements of the QA.
Besides the data collection and visualization with control technique character the system
offers a wealth of additional features:

User specific access

Logical grouping of sensors ( 18 groups per 32 measure devices max)

Global system overview with an indication of collected group alarms, production states, etc.

Free selectable group overviews with
detailed status indications of all devices

Detailed measure value indication in graphical and tabular form

Comment table with automatic event documentation

Group specific production management

Customer specific protocol generation

Extensive archive administration with integrated archive reload function

Data export into dBase, Excel, etc.

Control of production processes in dependence of the measured environmental states
